Divorce Marketing Group (DMG) provides online marketing services for the family lawyers in the US and Canada.
A family lawyer’s personal branding lets the world know what you do, who should hire you, and why they should choose to work with you and your firm. Here’s how to make personal branding and company branding work synergistically at family law firms.
A year ago, I wrote an article called “Have You Googled Your Name Lately?” for the Family Advocate magazine by the American Bar Association, I thought I would share some of my points here since this topic is still highly relevant.
You may ask yourself: How can I keep writing new articles and blog posts when I am so busy servicing my clients and running my business? I know, it is not easy, but here’s one tip to help you out: repurpose what you have written.
Some family law firms have experienced challenges and have been losing business because they have not evolved with time, never mind being proactive.
While all family lawyers are concerned about their reputation, not all of them are attending to their online reputation.
Google your name – it is not because I am vain that I monitor my name through Google Alert and Google my name every now and then. It is because as a marketer, I know how important it is for me to protect …