Marketing articles for family lawyers and divorce professionals. Discover practical marketing advice and tips to help you attract quality clients, generate referrals, convert prospects into clients, and stand out from your peers.
Do you get 500 visitors to your website monthly? Or 3,000 visitors? No matter how much traffic your website gets, your articles or blog posts are limited to that finite number of visitors.
Stop pouring your marketing money down the drain and start looking into the most effective ways to market your family law practice.
If you don’t do it by the due date, you will pay a penalty, but it still has to be done and the penalty will stop as soon as you do it.
It only takes days (and a nominal fee) to build a true smartphone-friendly version of your website – so why hinder the success of your law firm by settling for outdated technology?
This latest release of universal foldable keyboard by Microsoft that is compatible for apple and android products should tell you what is to come: More people are going online while they are on the go.
Are your prospective clients on the go?
This universal foldable keyboard makes it possible and much easier to do serious work, not just play, on mobile devices. It sure beats typing on the screen. This has major implications for businesses, especially business travelers. If your prospective clients are on the go all the time, you now have even more reasons to make sure your firm’s website is mobile friendly.
Some family law firms have experienced challenges and have been losing business because they have not evolved with time, never mind being proactive.
While all family lawyers are concerned about their reputation, not all of them are attending to their online reputation.
This service has been sold and purchased by hundreds, maybe thousands of family law firms, these have to be mass-produced blog posts. We do not recommend these mass-produced blog posts for law firms.