Winter/Spring 2015 issue of Divorce Magazine

The Winter/Spring 2015 issue of Divorce Magzine has just come out.

You can download your local Winter/Spring 2015 issue here:

Add Divorce Magazine to your website for free

If you are a divorce professional and you want to add Divorce Magazine to your website for visitors to download for free, just click here:

Among the many topics, this issue of Divorce Magazine examines:

– The need to take back control of life by doing the next right thing
– How to choose the right divorce process for you
– Some dos and don’ts for divorcing parents
– The options for creating positive cash flow

Universal Foldable Keyboard is Here – Is your Website Mobile Friendly?

This latest release of universal foldable keyboard by Microsoft that is compatible for apple and android products should tell you what is to come: More people are going online while they are on the go.

Are your prospective clients on the go?

This universal foldable keyboard makes it possible and much easier to do serious work, not just play, on mobile devices. It sure beats typing on the screen. This has major implications for businesses, especially business travelers. If your prospective clients are on the go all the time, you now have even more reasons to make sure your firm’s website is mobile friendly. Acquired by Divorce Marketing Group

Divorce Marketing Group is excited to announce that we have recently purchased, the largest website/blog that is 100% devoted to single mothers and women who are considering divorce and are looking for advice from divorce professionals as well as support from other women who have been through divorce. receives more than 2,500,000 visits a year and has almost 5,000 articles and divorce blog posts. Currently there are fourteen bloggers on this website with hundreds of writers having contributed content.