Marketing Resources

A podcast is a series of digital files (audio or video) that are released over a period of time and are downloaded online for viewing on a computer or other device. Think of a television series that you can view whenever you would like.

Podcasting can be a valuable resource in establishing yourself as a thought leader. Consider this: if Joe is a divorce lawyer who specializes in ADR, he could put together his own podcast where each segment focuses on a methodology, or a portion of methodology used in alternative dispute resolution. Soon, Joe will have numerous files and a series of recorded information surrounding ADR. Using the assumption that Joe has offered relevant and correct information in his podcasts, offering these to his network of professionals and prospective clients, Joe immediately appears as an expert in ADR.

Podcasts can be hosted just about anywhere, however there are a number of service providers that specialize in hosting podcasts. Simply search “podcast provider” in your search engine of choice for a glimpse of what is available.


This article was written by Dan Couvrette and Martha Chan, Co-Owners of Divorce Marketing Group, Divorce Magazine, and Divorce Marketing Group is the only marketing agency dedicated to helping divorce lawyers and divorce professionals grow their practices. Divorce Marketing Group offers a wide range of marketing services, including website design, hosting and promotion, social media marketing, press releases, video production and promotion, print advertising, advertising on multiple divorce websites, electronic promotions, and providing content to divorce professionals with websites.

(More Marketing Resources for Divorce Professionals)